Recording your reqwest calls

You have 2 ways to record reqwest http calls ; either with the stubr::Record trait (highly recommended) or the "original" way, still supported, with a standalone recording proxy.

This requires the record-reqwest feature.

use asserhttp::*;
use stubr::Record as _;

#[stubr::mock("ping.json")] // 👈 spawn a mock server
fn record_reqwest_trait() {
    // recording unfortunately requires using reqwest's builder hence the syntax is a bit verbose
    let req = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::new().build().unwrap()
        // 👇 this will intercept and dump all http traffic going through this client
        .record() // or `record_with()` for configuring it

You can find your recorded stubs under ./target/stubs/localhost

NB: async is not supported yet


use asserhttp::*;

#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] // 👈 required by recording proxy
#[stubr::mock("ping.json")] // 👈 spawn a mock server
async fn record_reqwest() {
    // 👇 spawn the recording proxy
    stubr::Stubr::record() // or `record_with()` for configuring it
        // 👇 builds a reqwest client with proxy configured

You can find your recorded stubs under ./target/stubs/localhost