Recording your actix app
You can plug recording in your existing actix integration tests by
just adding a single line: .wrap(stubr::ActixRecord::default())
. This will register a middleware which will capture
the http request and response, then dump them under ./target/stubs/localhost
This requires the record-actix
use actix_web::test::{call_service, init_service, TestRequest};
use asserhttp::*;
async fn record_actix() {
let app = actix_web::App::new()
.route("/", actix_web::web::get().to(|| async { actix_web::HttpResponse::Ok().await }))
// just add this 👇
.wrap(stubr::ActixRecord::default()); // or `ActixRecord(RecordConfig)` for configuring it
let req = TestRequest::get().uri("/").to_request();
let svc = init_service(app).await;
call_service(&svc, req).await.expect_status_ok();